Volume size ml full , half quarter whiskey and beer
Alcohol percentage in beer vs wine whiskey
quarter alcohol percentage and police breath analyzer reading
1 quarter = 180ml bottle 3 to 4pegs
180/4= 45ml standard peg
60 ml = large peg, 45 ml small, some bars offers 30ml as standard peg.
Should i caught at police after drinking quarter whisky?
how many pegs in 500 ml
1 peg generally eqauls in 300ml, so you may get 2 pegs in 500ml
how many pegs in 750 ml
A standard bottle of whisky is 750 ml. A large peg is 60 ml. One bottle will give you 12 pegs or 16 pegs for standard
how many pegs in 180 ml quarter
4 pegs 3 pegs for large 60*30-=180ml
drinking quarter alcohol and passing breath analyzer
Thumb rule: 1 hour alcohol dissolves 25% while you drinking at 100%.
if you drink quarter alcohol you definitely caught by police’s alcohol test within 1 hour. after 1 hour may not. 25-50% drop. 90ml may not triggers 30 points.
BAC = 30 it triggers drunk & drive.
Body weight & how fast your liver cleans alcohol out of blood.
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telangana police drink drive limit
30 mg/100 ml
(a) Drunk driving is an offence U/s 185 M.V. Act. (b) Permissible alcohol limit is upto and below 30 mg/100 ml of blood i.e., 30 micrograms/100 ml of blood.
In India, the permissible blood alcohol content (BAC) is set at 0.03% per 100ml blood. That works out to 30mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.
calculating blood alcohol percentage for quarter
BAC of 0.08 (0.08%) would translate to 0.08 grams of alcohol per 100 mL of blood.
180ml = 81.8ml alcohol in 5 liters of blood.
The body takes about an hour to process 29.5 ml of alcohol. (60ml peg 1hour to clean approx, 180ml or quarter 3 hours get clean )
30ml 0.6% of 5000 30% alcohol which about 60ml peg. (food in the stomach delay alcohol digestion)
81.8ml percentage in 5 liters
81.8 is 1.636% of 5000. (120mg or 120 points will read at least 60points because body weight & liver cleaning rate & time since first drink)
30 mcg/100 ml = 0.03% of alcohol in blood. in india, (us & uk 0.08% allowed).
breathalyzer test results chart & police drunk & driver
Police drunk and drive limit in india: 30 mg per 100 ml
25ml of alcohol loss per hour by sweat, breath etc
light beer 5% per 100ml, 30.25% per beer , body weight =
180ml = quarter 44.5% alcohol = 81.8ml alcohol remaining water.
300ml = peg 30-45ml
300ml = 20% alcohol
4 pegs = quarter 180ml 81.8 alcohol after body weight & liver cleaning rate = 70 or 0.7 test at beath analyzer (after 1 hours less 25ml)
300ml = 15% alcohol or 15 ml alcohol
2 pegs 30ml alcohol = body weight +liver detoxification _time (25ml out per hour)
breach analyzer .. = below 30.
Liver cleaning rate, Time, Body weight impact the result.
strong beer 7% in 100ml
21% in 1 peg = equals to quarter.
then 4 pegs= 1 quarter.
300ml each + 100ml extra level 650ml per beer.
Note: breath & blood alcohol content similar at some degree.
palm wine teddy or kallu 2-4% by fermentation time.
breezer 4%. 360ml half beer.
Why 30ml or 45 ml Peg?
to control blood alcohol level Content BAC per hour.
Alcohol Serving size standard drink
2 pegs whiskey equals how many beers?
How long Alcohol in body ?
alcohol tolerance level / alcohol symptoms by bac
Why people have different tolerance
standard drink of alcohol and it’s percentage
Signs and symptoms of alcohol percentage
Alcohol abuse & stay control
Underproof vs 75% proof
Calories in beer and whiskey
why beer & whisky makes you fat
86 proof = 43% alcohol
Just divide “proof” by 1/2 to get the alcohol %
200 proof = 100% alcohol
100 proof = 50% alcohol
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) behavior’s
BAC (%) | Behavior | Impairment |
0.001–0.029 | Average individual appears normal | Subtle effects that can be detected with special tests |
0.030–0.059 | Mild euphoria Relaxation Joyousness Talkativeness Decreased inhibition |
Concentration |
0.060–0.099 | Blunted feelings Reduced sensitivity to pain Euphoria Disinhibition Extraversion |
Reasoning Depth perception Peripheral vision Glare recovery |
0.100–0.199 | Over-expression Boisterousness Possibility of nausea and vomiting |
Reflexes Reaction time Gross motor control Staggering Slurred speech Temporary erectile dysfunction |
0.200–0.299 | Nausea Vomiting Emotional swings Anger or sadness Partial loss of understanding Impaired sensations Decreased libido Possibility of stupor |
Severe motor impairment Loss of consciousness Memory blackout |
0.300–0.399 | Stupor Central nervous system depression Loss of understanding Lapses in and out of consciousness Low possibility of death |
Bladder function Breathing Dysequilibrium Heart rate |
0.400–0.500 | Severe central nervous system depression Coma Possibility of death |
Breathing Heart rate Positional alcohol nystagmus |
>0.50 | High possibility of death |
drunken drive fine india
If you’re busted driving with more than this limit, you can be booked for violating Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, and will have to pay a fine of ₹ 2,000 and/or face a six-month jail term.
If you are booked for a second violation within three years, you might have to pay up to ₹ 3,000 and/be jailed for two years.
Two years and ₹ 3,000? That’s it?
It proposed up to ₹ 10,000 in fine and four years in jail for repeated drunken driving with a BAC of over 150mg.
to keep legal limit drinks 30mg/100ml bac within 1 hour
average 65 kg male may keep inside the legal limit if he drinks:
2 gallons of beer (660ml). It is not recommended to consume large bottles of alcohol (750ml).
Two glasses of wine which is (200ml)
one large peg of whiskey or liquor (60ml)
disclaimer: information is about approximate idea. not absolute values.
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