Installing google analytics pligg?
- login to admin panel which
- choose right side menu of the template editor
- third step select footer.tps and open that file.
- just add extra code to your google analytics verification code below the footer.
{literal} code {/literal}
{literal} <script>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga(‘create’, ‘UA-6312155-17’, ‘’);
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);
</script> {/literal}
How to add google analytics code in blogger?
what is the blogger blogs limit for one google account?
Method 2 adding Analytic code to directly to before closing of </head> tag

how to insert google analytics into WordPress?
Method 2 where to put google analytics code in WordPress?
you need to put code in functions.php in below format don’t forget to add analytic code in below snippet.
add_action('wp_footer', 'add_googleanalytics');
function add_googleanalytics() { ?>
// Paste your Google Analytics code here
<?php } ?>
how to add Google analytics code in SMF simple machines forum software?
Final topic installing or add analytics code in any website?
Google Analytics plugins for WordPress free
google analytics WordPress tutorial
how to install google analytics WordPress?
How to Manually Add Google Analytics Code to WordPress?
- just copy the code from Google Analytics dashboard Account.
- Go to Appearance
- select editor to Edit theme
- Open functions.php
- paste the Google Analytics code Below the functions.php
- click on save.
- check real time data on Google Analytics to check it’s working or not.
- also check your WordPress blog getting any error or not.
- Open your Cpanel
- look for wp-content/theme
- select currently running theme
- Find and open the functions.php
- delete the code you placed
- Save it and check your wp website.
Comparison Among Google Analytics WordPress Plugins
- Here i am sharing my experience jetpack almost good but consuming high resources. Google Analytics dashboard for wp better alternative to jetpack we can google Analytics stats from wordpress dashboard. this plugin also affecting site load time. then i used yoast google analytics plugin. it’s ok but no dashboard stats i want check my web stats from wordpress dashboard. i love to go for wassup real time google analytics plugins because i have not tested that plugin.
Best google analytics WordPress plugin 2014
Google Analytics for WordPress Yoast
Google Analytics for WordPress
WassUp Real Time Analytics
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
Google Analytics Dashboard
Google Analyticator
Jetpack wordpress plugin
jet pack Plugin have lots features including
- sharing,
- wordpress stats,
- Popular Post widget,
- comments with social login, Highly Reduce comment spam o wordpress
- Cdn from
- Google plus Authorship mark up.
- Email subscription.
But it consumes high Resources may affect in page speed load time.
Jetpack by
How users find this Article wp google analytics?
- google analytics wordpress plugin,
- google analytics wordpress plugin yoast
- wp google analytics plugin
- add analytics to wordpress
How to delete delete property in google analytics
Accounts>> property go to the “View Settings” in your Admin area right bottom select delete view
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