why cpanel hosting?
cpanel is great tool for user-friendly interface,
easy to deploy with script vendros.
FTP uploads , etc
For customers ?
it’s eady to run websites, upload, deploy
Note: all cpanel hostings managed hosting , 90% are shared hosting.
if you need more resources for performance upgrade to vps cloud with cpanel.
all you have to know about price vs performance.
cpanel features
auto domain configuration
domain backups & restore
mysql import & export
auto install softwares
all features are user friendly
limiting resources per account
easy to manage customers like suspend
cpanel hosting providers?
bluehost, GoDaddy, hosgator etc
vps: hosting capnel
same companies hosting raja(Bangalore based company)
only server related issues managed by support, if you face application related errors like wordpress, you have to manage by own or hire a freelancer.
my early career mostly spent with dealing wordpress errors. all are 90% due to limited resources on shared hosting.after I moved to cloud. wordpress error not anymore
note: some hosting providers uses customized cpanels, that provides same features as cpanel.
so it will them upfront costs and hosting cost even cheaper for you.
who can use it personal vs entrepreneur
personal: if you buy a 20$ 2cpub4gb ram droplet at DO, it’s a bad to idea to use cpanel by paying extra $10.
,you can simply use STFP client like winscp,filezilla etc along with ssh client putty.
if you are deployed a shared server of 14cpu 32GB. for 100+ customers so you can sell resources.
there you only paying $10 per month for whm unlimited cpanels with whm cpanel.
cpanel Cons:
Memory usage 500MB
Monthly upfront costs $10
resources limits for account
cpanel add-ons with extra cost
only works with apache not nginx
cpanel support for nginx
as on July 2020, it’s beta stage or experimental.
you can use it for own private server. for shared hosting providers not recommended.
the complexity and static configuration of nginx.
However nginx uses less resources it’s act as proxy. Proxy better suits for nginx rather than main server. why?
it uses fastcgi as proxy which is php-fpm, apache as backed if fastcgi not presents.
also read nginx vs apache architecture
Installing cpanel on server vps
mostly one click Installation provided by vendors like GCP, AWS, upcloud, digital ocean,interserver.
cpanel WHM licence fee per month