2 months (November 2018) I am Excited to stream on youtube while playing Game. Tried on PC /windows with OBS Studio but I am Not a Pro Gamer and that’s not worth for my time.
But I am still excited on Streaming on Mobile Phone, If you are using IOS Apple’s iPhone, Ipad it works with any default settings No need to tweak any settings.
For a security Reason Android Disabled Recording Internal Audio from Nougat 7 onwards. but My Phone android 6 Marshmallow oppo f3 also not working for recording internal Audio.
Update: from android 10 Q version os No restriction recording internal + your voice simultaneously,
alternatively you can try elgato capture card to PC, or mirroring display using apowermirror app.
3rd option buy a new phone with android 10,
4th root phone, install recme plugin from mobizen. (but some netbanking app hdfc,icici, paytm not works rooted android devices)
some newer version of phones like vivo z10 pro, oppo reno, foco f1 built in recorders do just like iphone, unfortunately, asus rog phone 2 which i bough only purpose playing not recording my voice+internal sound simultaneously.
How do You Record Internal Audio in Android?
Solution 1: Root your Android Device for Granting Permission.
Kingroot App: Now they are commercial not working on all phones. check your works on their cloud-based root.
one tap root android apps are not working.
There are lot tutorials how to root android phone.
- One tap install
- PC based
- Restoring command line based
- File-Based using file explorer app
Rooting a Phone officially not recommended for security reasons. all the tricks for the rooting device have a short span of time.
I’ll write a detailed article on how to root & unroot android device just like a Ubuntu Linux device. its similar to granting root permissions on Linux (because of android based on Linux)
Solution 2: without Rooting (Life hacks)
- Holding Your MIC Button (with Tape. etc)
at right Now I am using this technique for recording Internal Audio in android while Playing PUbg and Streaming on youtube with DU Recorder, May also works on YT Gaming app.
There are a Commercial EarPhones Trending on youtube Mobizen Earphone 3500 on Amazon, those have special feature Pressing MIC button Continuously. (MIC Off = It records internal audio no external voice if Your MIC =ON It record both your Voice and Internal Game Play But .. You Need to root.., There is Internal audio plugin app called Recme by Mobizen still available on Playstore)
2. Buying Male-female audio splitter
3. Recording on the external device later you compose: If you are recording its ok to record audio on a separate device (PC with Audacity or portable Bluetooth Speaker’s SD card).
for a live stream, it won’t work.
I guess buying a Microphone Splitter Converter (adding earphones; one is Pressed mic button earphone, and another one is the regular one for talking may or may not works i need to try it costs 150+INR and my valuable time for experimenting these cheap things.
4. Place your MIC before the speaker: so you can record internal audio from outside along with your words.
if you are in a dedicated room your microphone records game audio which comes through speakers. I saw a video he placed one earphone jack straight to the MIC, and another to his ear. when the sound comes to the earphone speaker which is near mic button records automatically also our voice.
Screen Recorders for Youtube Live stream
- TOP Recorder (Its records internal Audio & your Voice without root) (my case my youtube channel is a Brand channel and have 3+ channel it not connecting my gaming channel by default but DU recorder do, also don’t have stream key Option)
- DU ReCorder: Biggest thing is watermark & and auto added description to a youtube video.
- Mobizen Screen Recorder: Its too Old as of now published 2016 onwards still not yet updated you can check it on Playstore.
Solution 3: Install IOS Version on your Mobile.
Solution 4: Buy a dedicated Gaming Phone / Tablet. (why we use high-quality Phone for Poor gaming Purpose battery Draining touch sensitivity Problem etc buy a customized phone under budget).
Recording Internal audio without root
In Pubg Mobile if you record Gameplay with screen Recorder. But your Teammate cannot hear your voice because the screen recorder captures your Voice.
Conclusion: you need to root Android for Internal audio from android 7 Onwards, but there are some life hacks & device to achieve the results. watched all crappy youtube videos so I decided to write a post on it and update it with latest working methods.