Branches in Git
Git Merge
Git Fetch
Git pull
Merge Conflicts in Git
Branching Strategy in Git/ How Branching works
Main/Master Branch — Here we store code that is being pushed to production server
live environment —- served by the code that is available in master branch
New features will be added to the product, which means new code will be addd to the existing code
Feature —> Prouduct
Master Branch – cworking code (existing code) + code for a new feature
code for a new feature might result in issues, Resulting in application down time
Master Branch – previous working code is already there
we’ll create a new Branch
New Branch — NEW code — Testing the code on the new branch
Merge—-New Branch + Master Branch
Master Branch = Has the latest code
4 Developers are there in a team
Each developer will be working on an individual features
Each developer will their own feature branch
The tickets are assigned using a jira tool
feature-123658– Add caching mechanism
feature 123659 – add a filter in front end
feature-123658 — this will the branch name created by the developer and starts working on this
feature-123658 – add the new code
merge this code master branch
How to create Branches
git branch branch_name
ex: git branch feature-123658
how to get / checkout in to particular branch
git checkout branch_name
ex: git checkout feature-123658
Inorder to create a branch and checkout to the branch, we can use a single command as well
git checkout -b branch_name
How to merge
git branch
—> it will point out the current branch
I will switch to the master branch
git switch branchname
git switch master
switch to master branch
merge feature-123658 to master branch
git merge feature-123658
this will merge the code from feature-123658 branch to the master branch
Branch will always points to latest commits
Git fetch – will pull the latest code from the remote repository to the local repostory
but it will not merge the code to our working branch
git merge
to merge this code to our current branch we need to use git merge, the the changes are reflected in our current branch
git pull —-> it will fetch the code + it will also merge the code
git pull —> git fetch + git merge
Branching strategies
Git – Repositories ( Master Branch) – production code — code which is live/deployed on the server
checkout the code from master to develop branch
To create a branch
git branch Develop
git checkout Develop
git branch – shows the branches with * referring to the current branch
touch file5
git add file5
git commit -m “file5”
git push origin develop
username: username
token: token-id