how to make a website?
- register a domain & hosting and upload or install readymade softwares to see your website live.
- free case: blogspot & wordpress platform it also cost 500 INR or $7-10$ for domain name. free domain names not a good idea. but free hosting better.
1.register a domain name:
(registry to registrar >>reseller>>registrant/user) registry price costs 300 INR, then registrar adds 50% margin by selling at 450 to 600%.
also registrar makes discount for 2 years first year 100 and 2nd year 200. ex: godaddy
what is domain name & website.
domain name just identification name for your website. its points your host /computer IP.
What is DNS?
domain name system. Name to Number (ip address)
DNS server holds information about domain name >> ip address
Domain name>Browser>> ISP>> ROOT DNS>> TLD DNS>> NS>>IP Address. (local dns you can point to 127.0.01)
what is website?
domain + your hosted data = website.
2.what is hosting & how to host?
hosting website files on remote server /computer for a monthly charge shared 300 INR PM, vps /cloud 3000 INR PM.
then how to create a website?
register a domain at domain registrars & hosting companies.
ex: godaddy,
how to create a website free of cost?
free hosting: basic & limited features: blogger
advance cloud trial for 1 year google cloud,amazon cloud,alibaba, DO etc
free sites with subdomains:
blogspot,wordpress,google sites, tumblr,wix (web 2.0)
use readymade templates, (wordpress), hire a freelancer
website for business
better to go with google business listing they offers free website builder and your custom domain.blogger,wordpress,gsites etc
website to make money
go to blogger com if you not want to invest 3000 INR -4000INR
just you need a domain name 500-800 INR.
otherwise WordPress 3-4K.
learn basic HTML & Css to customize if not use dynamic builders available in both blogspot & WordPress.
FInal part: upload html files or install readymade softwares hosting server to make website visible.
tip: get a shared hosting modpacks with man prebuilt softwares.
types of websites
(blogs,community /forums, wikisites, e commerce, social media, video, image etc
Conclusion: making money from website especially hard for newbies in 2020. because users went web to native apps. social media.