Error while publishing or updating a post in WordPress nginx
Php max input time 90secs
max execution time 90sec
nginx timeouts
The default, NGINX request timeout is 60 seconds.
can be set in any of three blocks:
- main http block
- server block
- location block
http {
send_timeout 1800;
proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_connect_timeout 300;
proxy_send_timeout 300
Several of the NGINX timeouts are basic and fairly universal:
- client_body_timeout – maximum time (between successive reads) for reading the body of a client request (defaults 60, may result in 408 Request Time-out)
- client_header_timeout – maximum time for reading the header of a client request (default 60, may result in 408 Request Time-out)
- keepalive_timeout – maximum time for a client connection to be kept on the server (mandatory first parameter, default 75, 0 disables), as well as value for the Keep-Alive: timeout=time (optional second parameter, default 60)
- lingering_timeout – if lingering_close is on, sets the maximum time for more client data to arrive (default 5), which it reads and ignores, repeating the cycle for a maximum time of lingering_time (default 30)
- send_timeout – maximum time (between successive writes) when sending a response back to a client (default 60)