inorder to implement security rules, first we know the types attacks & vulnerabilities of server, or linux kernel.
most common attacks are
#1 brute force attacks ddos (to take down the server)
#2 SQL injection (to gain access to database to steal valuable info like customer credit card details)
#3XSS cross site injection
sending post requests from their severs, to our database.
#4 application level vulnerabilities, kernel level etc.
rate limiting
we can configure it in nginx.conf
blocking certain ip address , once it reaches the maximum request per second.
this way we can avoid brute force attacks
disable unwanted modules /install with required modules
so we limit operation
less exposure
# ./configure –without-http_autoindex_module
# make
# make install
Disable nginx server_tokens
server_tokens off
in nginx.conf
avoid large buffer size
disable unwanted methods
location /
{limit_except GET HEAD POST { deny all; }}
unwanted methods like delete trace blocks by nginx.
install mod security or other waf solutions
setup critical access loge for convienent
error_log logs/error.log crit;
Monitor nginx with status module /New relic / datadog
nginx statut module free but you need recompile the nginx.
or follow the approache how to use nginx dynamic modules
New relic & data dog server & application monitoring services at entrepreneur level.
also try netdata.
my recommendation is newrelic, you can also track on android app.
#add security headers
disable iframes on other websites
add_header X-Frame-Options “SAMEORIGIN”;
Strict-Transport-Security only https
add_header Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload”;
CSP and X-XSS-Protection headers
content security policy, xss crosite scripting attacks,
you must understand the policies must before yding this.
add_header Content-Security-Policy “default-src ‘self’ http: https: data: blob: ‘unsafe-inline'” always;
getting data from your server database by post requests .
add_header X-XSS-Protection “1; mode=block”;
Confogure latest ssl vesions & ciphersuites
ssl 3 or tls 1 version old its easy to hckable.
tsl 1.2 also some vulnarebilies
tls 1.3 new but almost all browser supports now as on 2020
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
ciphersuites Based on server not from user
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
update nginx upto date
to know what’s they fixed, added new features.
always do
upgrable command
thrn check details on their website
to check nginx security
Install gixy
pip install gixy
it checks
iptables /ufw /firewall d also helps to strengthen the security.