What is TTFB?
speed & earnings drop calculation
application & server Monitoring
caching is main advantage
Browser rendering optimization
TTFB | server response time l latency & location
reduce server response times (ttfb) wordpress plugin
Reducing ttfb can be tricky with caching plugins.
TTFB for dynamic websites like WordPress
300-500ms (300good, 400ok,500 not recommended)
TTFB for static websites like WordPress + caching
200ms (google recommended)
Is wordpress dynamic or static website or both?
when you enable pagec with wpsuper cache, w3 total cache, wp rocket.
then if it’s served cached html page then it’s static,
you ttfb almost half of regular. 400ms vs 200ms.
without caching: server(apache/nginx)>>php>>MySQL
with caching
server>>html page.
also use object cache /mysql query cache with w3tc.
reduce server response times (ttfb) cloudflare
TTFB biggest issue in cloudflare free plan.
sometimes it goes upto 2 seconds.
You are taken a country specific datacenter location in a dedicated / cloud environment.
by enabling cloudflare free plan. It’s routes request to lower priced / lower peak data center.
Ex: I maintain a website for Indian users, data center also located in india mumbai,
but cloudflare routes from Europe mostly.singapore 2nd one.
clouflare has 5+ data centers in india.but those for paid customers.
at least you have to enable argo smart routing to deliver the content from user nearest location.
10Gb bandwidth $10 . my free plan it served 40Gb bandwidth. If I enable argo I have to pay $40.
focus on goofy analytics speed timings to get avg loadtime & ttfb.
readmore about cloudflare tutorials
reduce server response times (ttfb) godaddy
GoDaddy is a shared server, if you compare with any shared server ttfb not below 200-500ms.
even if sometimes low on low traffic, midnight, peak hours your ttfb and page load times goes higher. best way is enable caching if you are using wordpress.
my case in Google cloud:
I did a test at google pagespeed insights tool. ttfb is hight 300ms, I increased cpu &ram levels 6cpu cores &12gb ram for 50 concurrent visitors. Problem: not optimized the server, mysqy, php and not enabled caching at server level && used cloudflare.
I didn’t know where it’s routing from?
You know by just typing yourdomain.com/cdh-cgi/trace
fl=35f648 h=rajuginni.com ip=2409:4070:4e10:b36d:1eec:caf8:9211:e44f ts=1597559441.758 visit_scheme=https uag=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; ASUS_I001DE) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Mobile Safari/537.36 colo=SIN http=http/2 loc=IN tls=TLSv1.3 sni=plaintext warp=off