Here are many WordPress plugins you might pick at least one After reading this post. All plugins are free.
WordPress Poup email plugins
Optinmonster premium plugin
Facebook lite box popup plugin

Many contacts Bar

Hello Bar!

WordPress Login page
Custom login


Add a “Pin It” button over your images, so users can add it to Pinterest easily.
Discuss comments, WordPress SEO Yoast, editorial calendar, flare social share plugin,
BEST SEO Plugins
SEO Search terms Tagging 2
Multiply blog traffic by strengthening on page SEO, increasing the number of indexed pages, auto convert search terms into post tags, and more. here.
Cons: may google penalize for Over onpage optimization filled with keywords and keyword density.
Date Exclusion SEO
Turns off date information after a specified number of days or immediately. Also of removing dates from Category/Tag/Front Pages individually. get here.
Missing SEO data
SEO friendly Images:
KeyWord density checker WordPress plugin here. WordPress Yoast SEO plugin do this.
adds meta description to old posts manually Yoast plugin also make this<Download: Missing SEO data>.
WordPress backup Plugins that works in 2016
Backup buddy plugin
It’s a premium plugin powered by Ithemes
It’s a premium plugin powered by Ithemes
- schedules Backup and stores in Dropbox, AWS, FTP and other cloud storages
Duplicator is best option.
Here 5 Alternatives to backup buddy plugin
1) WordPress To DropBox:

Scheduling and emailing have pro features costs $19.0
2) Backup WordPress
Backups and stores on server, also sends email but email accept less than 10MB.
Backup tp Amazon S3, DropBox, Google Drive, FTP and Emai and restores from previous backup.
Supports google drive, but may be backups only database.
Backup Scheduler
Other backup plugins
BackUpWordPress here,
Automatic WordPress Backup get Here may be Outdated
best sitemap plugins for WordPress
Yoast SEO sitemap also available.
Automatically generate sitemap for inclusion in Google News.
XML Sitemap & Google News feeds
XML and Google News Sitemaps to feed the hungry spiders. Multisite, WP Super Cache and Polylang compatible.
WP Related posts Plugins
Zemanta Related posts by Zemanta 1 (not serves 3rd party ads)
Related posts by zemanata 2 (serves 3rd party ads without permission)
Yunzo related posts
Yet another related post (consumes lot of CPU resources)
Post views counter plugins for WordPress
- All In One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert
- Black Studio TinyMCE Widget by Black Studio ( useful for sidebar visual composer)
- WP Video SEO by wpecommerce
- Post Pay Counter by Stefano Ottolenghi (will also delete its data)
- Post Views Counter by dFactory
- SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 by Purwedi Kurniawan
- WP-Delete-Tags by Muhammad Junaid Iqbal (helps delete all unused tags)
- Wp mass delete helps you to delete all tags
P3 plugin profiler: helps you to find which plugin using high memory.
WordPress speedup plugins
- W3 total cahce
- wp super cahce
- speed booster pack
- scripts to footer
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