Here I am going to share my thoughts about popular WordPress themes trending now. below themes responsive templates. also, I will update free themes by category wise news magazine business classifieds video apps and other etc.Here are my best-used themes
1.genesis 2. Avada 3. thesis
How to find Top & best wordpress themes?
- Here you can find best themes from just visit the website and click on top selling WordPress themes on Envato market.
- Themeforest like other theme selling platforms mojo themes and some of professional like Studiopress and DIVthemes sells their own web page.
- better to visit ThemeForest before you buy a theme.
Tips to find best Themes
- Make sure to check Theme has Lifetime support with free upgrade or paid upgrade.
- Check designer of the theme is they have the good reputation.
- If theme has a framework like Genesis, You can enjoy lot of child themes with main frame work.
How to Find WordPress theme that a site using?
You can use Two online sources to find what a WordPress theme using on a particular website.
- and 2nd one
- You can know what a plugin using that website along with the theme from using above website.
- You may list only 5 plugins that a site using.
- Just enter website URL and click on find you will get theme name if is the child you can get parent name also, Theme publisher name. their website link to theme buy / download if the free theme is that.
I will mention soon TOP 25 WordPress themes Soon.
fastest Loading WordPress themes
- frank theme faster than other themes and free 90/100
- Swift theme Premium 90/100
- genesis theme 85 /100
Some other themes based google page speed insights score, But it’s not important & not Accurate measurement. we need use other tools like Pingdom web speed test tool, GT Metrix, yahoo y slow,
more details about increasing WordPress speed check my detailed case study at Improve WordPress speed.
Top premium by sales
Newspaper theme
studio press
1. Genesis 2.0
2. DIY themes
3.Elegant Themes
4. woo commerce themes
5.l Mojo themes
6.theme fuse

Template categories
- News/Magazine
- Apps themes
WordPress classifieds themes
- wp engine
- Classipress
- thematic classified theme
- classified theme premium press
other script Flynax classified script
free themes
WordPress theme customization
Genesis child theme eleven 40 pro
Changing Size /color of Sticky navigation menu bar.
Also customizing the home page, edit home.PHP
Find ‘grid_content_limit’ => 250, change the value 250 to low.
we have to do open WordPress theme editor and select Eleven pro stylesheet.css and
find Site Header at the beginning of the table of contents.and then press CTRL+F to find Site Header.
There style sheet CSS option available to change background color header or decrease /increase height of navigation bar.
I had find min-height: 65px; then i reduced it to 55px.
that’s it. (but it decreases height of header logo, not navigation bar)
Changing the background color from black to hash.
you can find below site header ” background with code simply change the code using color palette available on online.
make sure to backup the file. if anything went wrong. you have to manually edit the file from Cpanel of web hosting provider. also, you can FTP client to edit in case of managed hosting.
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