adsense tos
not in software.
AdSense code may only be implemented on web-based pages and approved WebView technologies.
Adsense & admob
AdSense for content (AFC) and Ad Exchange (AdX) display ads are not supported through all WebView technologies.
Adsense ads mayshown next to webview with chrome custom tabs.
Google ads not supports all webview technologies.
provide a quality user experience, Google has developed technical specifications for sites displaying Google ads.
adsense in webview policy violation
adsense sdk may not supports it, yiu may try pwa apps.
If admob & adsense , adsense shown next to webview. as long Adsense policies.
so adsense in webview?
never seen policy violation in any forum. But its may not good user experience to user, if ads are supported on webview.(they do 90%).
2 years back , to overcome the situation.
used wordpress api based app. to avoid adsense.
if any links to open then used customtabs. customtabs nothing but chrome browser.
Opening third-party links in webview. also considered as webview affliate spam.
as on 2020, i saw one app using adsense in webview & 50k downloads.
my play store devoloper account got 2+1 strikes
(1 resolved by proving website ownership in webview)
2 related to title & images intellectual property or impersonation.
i have 2 source codes right now.
wordpress api based, and webview with custom tabs.
now i want to use webview without custom tabs. Eith arsense why?
someone , blindly following others.50k downloads still running.
2nd, technical may not support.
3rd: it complies with adsense policies responive website.
*adsense ads in a frame. google crawlers not works*
what is webview & affliate spam how to fix?
simple answer: don’t use others sites in webview without permission, & place ads to make money.
or prove your site , by veryfyingvwith html file upload.
if marked by mistake.
chrome custom tab is solution for 3rd party sites.
webview settings : allow external load in webview false or true.