How to Adaptive noise reduction works in Adobe audition?
Amount of db reduction : to reduce 6-30db for good results.
Noiseness: noise percentage in original audio or original audio percentage in whole audio.
Signal Threshold in db: we can slide the- automatically calculated signal threshold.
Below threshold : not doing anything above level do
Fine tune noise floor:(noise of a room) below level this threshold all reduced to -0db
spectral decay rate: how fast it reduces by 60db
ms/60db. how many milli seconds to hold for correction before reverting to normal. (release time)
Bandwidth preservation: no reduction above hz ex 300hz
FFT: Range of frequencies that adaptive noise reduction examine.
There 2 presets heavy &light
Db -24, noiseness 40%, signal threshold =0,
Noise floor =0,
Special decay 200ms/60db
Bandwidth preservation 300hz
20db, 30%, +2,+2, 400ms/db , 150hz.
How adaptive noise reduction works?
2 seconds delay
It analyzes first few seconds 2secs &, calculates above values.
We adjust manually automatically calculated values.
first few seconds of our audio sound like hot garbage.
Adaptive noise reduction vs noise reduction
Noise reduction is a simple technique to subtract certain amount of db example -20db from 60db,
After substraction we can boost +20db, background sound eliminated little signal strength also loss.
Equalizing with notch filter
also reduces & increase volume at certain frequency.
Static vs dynamic noise reduction
static = -20db for all.
Dynamic: 5db- 20db based on triggers/ parameters
Noise threshold, fine tune noise floor.
signal threshold: when it’s triggers noise reduction will process until the fine tune noise floor reaches.
Fine tune noise floor: Determines the level of noise reduction. reduce all audio to 0dB.
tweaking slider & monitor untill desired results.
Fixing 2 seconds delay audio
Lots of clips/ 2seconds delay each clip to analyze.
solution: audio mixer >>master audio effects>>adaptive noise reduction.
Cut that sound, process with denoise and further after adaptive noise effect applied.
Noise gate vs noise reduction
Noise gate or expanders better alternative to noise reduction
Noise gate, threshold -30db no audio pass through gate untill it reaches -29 db. (So reduction from our quality audio).
To know
Window>>Amplitude Statics>>analyze/run.
Average amplitude -33db
Expander=compressing lower audio.
Noise gate in audacity available with a plugin.
attack& release times also matters.