L. A low-cut filter used for removing deep rumbles
1. below human speech
2. Frequencies at the low-end (bass) of human speech, we use this setting to warm-up a voice
3. middle of human speech
4. upper-end (treble) of human speech, we use this setting to improve clarity
5. Frequencies above human speech,
H. A high-cut filter used for removing extreme high frequencies.
Q/Width. This determines the width of the range of frequencies we want to adjust
recommend you start with:
Men: Add 3-5 dB around 180 – 200 Hz.
Women: Add 3-5 dB around 400 Hz.
improve clarity
Men: Add 4-6 dB around 3,000 Hz
Women: Add 4-6 dB around 4,000 Hz
Notch Filter
human Hearing Frequency Range
300 to 3000 Hz
In telephony, the usable voice frequency band ranges from approximately 300 to 3400 Hz
Audio engineering is a science. But voice recording is an art.
Adjust the tone of your voice with EQ
Never boost or cut more than 5dB, 3DB is familiar
Low 20-125
Low mids 125 – 500hz
Mid. 500 – 2k hz
High mids 2k to 8k
High 8k to 20hz
sub bass 20hz- 50hz
bass 50hz-200hz
upper bazz to mid 200-800
Midrange 800-2k
uppermids: 2k to 4k
Presence 4k to 7k
A Female voice frequency range covers fairly upto 350 Hz to 17KHz.(200-400hz)
Its fundamental frequency is 350Hz to 3KHz and Harmonics is 3KHz to 17KHz.
Male voice covers a Frequency range of 100Hz to 8KHz.
(Telephone 144hz to 10khz)
The fundamental is 100Hz to 900Hz and Harmonics is 900Hz to 8KHz. (100-400hz)
male voices are centered around 80-180 Hz, whereas female voices are centered around 160-260 Hz. That’s a big difference.
typical adult male will have a fundamental frequency from 85 to 180Hz, and that of a typical adult female from 165 to 255Hz.
Equalization if vocals
Fundamental frequencies
Problematic area
background noise.
technique is to roll off the low-frequency content of the vocals. That roll-off typically ends somewhere within the region of 80Hz-200Hz,
350hz 600hz
Main body of vocals
5k-8k hz
Better manipulation of vocals sibilliance/brilliance
commonly reduces by low pass filter
Whisper voice eq
frequency range of human hearing
Avoid cutting or boosting more than 3-5dB.
300 to 3000 Hz
Humans can hear sounds between 0 and 140 decibels
60 Db audible sound ehuman voice
70 irritating tv sound,
80 irritating.
Telephone effect
high pass filter at around 400 Hz and a low pass filter at around 4,000 Hz (4 kHz).
human voice frequency equalizer
speech intelligibility is in the 1,000 Hz to 4,000 Hz range. Often, a boost of 3 to 5 dB in this range will increase the clarity. Start around the 3,000 Hz point
Audio level
test your mic is it hitting desired audio levels while you are talking
ideal audio level is between -10db to -20db. Your audio should peak around -6db at the most. Never go above 0db,
-12 db 0r 10-db broadcast standard -3db
MIC placement 6-8inches from your mouth.
Noise gates block all sound below a certain volume
noise removal
will trash your audio and remove a chunk of the sound
raise the overall volume of the recording without the loudest parts peaking.