quick steps:
step : 1 download wp files zip at wordpress.org & extract in a apache www/htdocts folder
step2: create a database in phpmyadmin & configure root document or directory mapping
step3: access localhost/wp install
xamp /wamp on installed.
Wamp windows specific, xamp fro Mac,linux (ubuntu,debian,CentOS,fedora, redhat etc) .
bitnami xamp higher support.
How to download & installl xamp?
visit the apache firedinds or bitnami.
Download for windows ,or Mac x, Linux
We don’t xamp for apache or nginx
detailed steps:
Visit: wordpress & download zip folder.
Make a folder in htdocs called wp.
then your address will be localhost/wp or
Click bitnami in status bar right side of window.
click access to MySQL.
you may also know how to create a database.
in phpmyadmin or mysql commandline.
create database there along with password.
add database details in wp-config.php
This will avoids error connecting database.
access localhost/wp in browser.
then enter site title, email address.
finally it installs the WordPress with basic theme.
you install new themes & plugins customize later.
you may also interested to know
installing wordpress on cpanel
installing wordpress commandline ubuntu /debian.